There are many great resources freely available on the web. Many instructors permit you to use credible websites from the web, but some do not. Check with your instructor, syllabus, or rubric for clarification. Take the time to evaluate each source found on the open web, or choose from the trusted sites listed below. If you need help determining a web's credibility, follow the steps in the video below. Library staff can also help you with this.
This video created by the Oregon School Library Information System provides guidance to determine the credibility of a website.
Below are selected resources available on the open web. While all sources should still be evaluated, these sites have been selected because they tend to offer high-quality, authoritative information that is useful for student research. If you have questions about any of the resource links, please contact library staff.
Demographic/Statistical Information
Education Information
Genealogical Information
Health/Medical information
Legal Information
Primary Sources
Videos & Tutorials
Other Libraries
Watch this video by the Science Elf for an answer to the (Digital) Age-old question. For an alternative to Wikipedia, check out Credo Reference.