Remote support outside of the open hours is available by appointment.
Contact us to set up a time for a Zoom Session or phone call.
Closed Holidays.
Hours subject to change.
The mission of the White Mountains Community College library is to support the College's mission by ensuring high quality services and access to library resources for all users. To promote information literacy and lifelong learning, the library provides an environment conducive to learning, research, and study as well as providing instruction to students, faculty, and staff.
WMCC’s Fortier Library’s Mail Order Library Service is available to students and faculty of WMCC.
Library materials are delivered straight to your home – at no cost to you!
How do I order materials from WMCC for Mail Order?
Check WMCC’s online Catalog to search for a title (including by author or subject). Unfortunately, Interlibrary Loan is currently not available.
Fill out our Contact Form and provide as much information as you can about the item to the library staff.
When you Receive Materials:
Consider quarantining the package for 96 hours. Open package carefully to save the shipping bag, prepaid postage and mailing labels that you will need to return the item(s).
Enjoy item(s) for three (3) weeks and return. Contact the Library to renew.
Items sent have already been quarantined. Please DO NOT disinfect or place library materials in the microwave—they will become damaged and/or destroyed.
To return items by mail:
Place the provided return address label on the outside of the mailing bag that the item arrived in, directly over the top of the other label. Place the included postage label at the top right, completely covering the old postage.
Place the item in the shipping bag and seal it securely.
Put the bag in your outgoing mailbox or take it to the post office to be returned to the library.